British Columbia Adult Flag Football
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BCAFFL follows the Football Canada Amateur Rule Book for Flag Football (5v5 and 7v7)
Please click here to familiarize yourself with this rule book.


As a reminder to all participants, the BCAFFL does not provide any equipment to players for league play. Each team/player is responsible for their own gear. 
All players are required to have the following to abide by BCAFFL rules and the rules of Football Canada:
  • Flags - Popper style. (Velcro or "Tuck-In" style flags are NOT permitted)
  • Shorts or pants without pockets.
  • Mouthguard (required by Football Canada)
  • Cleats (No metal studs)
  • Jersey with number

BCAFFL Player Code of Ethics and Codes of Conduct


BCAFFL's Code of Ethics and Codes of Conduct are grounded in the following principles:

Respect For Others

The principle of respect challenges members to act in a manner respectful of the dignity of all participants in sport regardless of their connection to the sport. Fundamental to this principle is the basic assumption that each person has value and is worthy of respect.

Responsible Action

The principle of responsible action carries the basic ethical expectation that the activities of members will benefit society in general and participants in particular and will do no harm. Fundamental to the implementation of this principle is the notion that each member is responsible and the consequences of their actions or inactions.


Integrity means that members are expected to be honest, sincere, and honourable in their relationships with others. Acting on these values is most possible when members possess a high degree of self-awareness and the ability to reflect critically on how their perspectives influence their interactions with others.

Honouring Sport

The principle of honouring sport in general and football in particular challenges members to recognize, act on, and promote the value of football for individuals and teams and for society in general.

BCAFFL Player Code of Conduct

Purpose: The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to ensure a safe and positive environment by instituting a Zero Tolerance Policy. The BCAFFL is committed to providing a sport environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity.
All Individuals will be aware that there is an expectation, at all times, of appropriate behavior consistent with the values of the BCAFFL.
Conduct that violates this Code may be subject to disciplinary action enforced by the BCAFFL Discipline committee.

Application of this Code 
This Code of Conduct applies to conduct that may arise during the course of BCAFFL business, activities and events. This includes but is not limited to its office environment, competitions, practices, training camps, tryouts, travel and any meetings of the BCAFFL.  
All Individuals have a responsibility to:  
a) Maintain and enhance the dignity and self-esteem of BCAFFL members and other Individuals by:  
               i. Demonstrating respect to individuals regardless of body type, physical characteristics, athletic ability, gender, ancestry, colour, ethnic or racial origin, nationality, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, religion, political belief, disability or economic status.  
              ii. Focusing comments or criticism appropriately and avoiding public criticism of athletes, coaches, officials, organizers, volunteers, employees and members.  
             iii. Consistently demonstrating the spirit of sportsmanship, sport leadership and ethical conduct.  
             iv. Consistently treating individuals fairly and respectfully.  
b) Refrain from any behavior that constitutes harassment, where harassment is defined as comment or conduct directed towards an individual or group, which is offensive, abusive, racist, sexist, degrading, or malicious.  
c) Refrain from any behavior that constitutes sexual harassment, where sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual comments and sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or conduct of a sexual nature.  
d) Comply at all times with the bylaws, policies, procedures, rules and regulations of the BCAFFL and Football Canada.

BCAFFL Conduct for Players and Spectators  

Conduct Policy for Athletes  
Anyone who participates in an athletic activity, including but not limited to practices, games and tournaments, is considered an athlete.  
Goal Statement:   
Any athlete participating in BCAFFL sanctioned events will be expected to adhere to the BCAFFL, Conduct Policy for Athletes.  
Athletes will always model mature behaviour consistent with that of BCAFFL guidelines. In addition to the responsibilities of the Code of Conduct, athletes of the BCAFFL will: 
  • Adhere to all Fair Play principles.
  • Participate to one’s best abilities in all competitions, practices, training sessions, events, or activities.
  • Properly represent oneself and not attempt to enter a competition for which one is not eligible, by reason of age, classification, or other reason.
  • Participate for the love and enjoyment of the game.
  • Respect the efforts and accomplishments of your teammates and your opponents.
  • Respect officials, coaches, spectators and event organizers.
  • Respect the facility you visit or in which you play.
  • Respect the rules of the game.  

Conduct Policy for Spectators  
Anyone watching a particular athletic activity or event whether sitting or standing is considered a spectator. A spectator may be a parent, a relative, friend, teammate, opposing player, administrator or coach not directly involved in the game. Spectators are an important part of any athletic activity; however, they are not essential. Spectators should never influence the outcome of an event and must never pose a distraction to players, other spectators, timers, score keepers and referees.  

Goal Statement:  
Any spectator watching a BCAFFL sanctioned event will be expected to respect and adhere to the Spectator Conduct Policy.  
In addition to the responsibilities of this BCAFFL Code of Conduct, spectators of athletes and spectators at events will:  

  • Support the game of football.
  • Encourage athletes to play by the rules and resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.
  • Stress the importance of participation.  
  • Avoid spectator-imposed pressures to win.  
  • Be supportive of the athlete, team, coach, opponents and officials.  
  • Respect the decisions and judgments of officials and encourage athletes to do the same.
  • Maintain a supportive, constructive atmosphere conducive to the athletes’ personal development.  
  • Refrain from negative communications with players, coaches, the scorers’ table or game officials.  
  • At no time should spectators go on to the football field or approach the team bench area. This includes the time when the players enter the field for warm up until the time when the players leave the field at the end of the game.  



With respect to its relations with athletes, The BCAFFL will:

  • Show respect and regard for the interests and goals of athletes;
  • Act on the belief that the athlete as a person is more important than the sport;
  • Demonstrate a responsiveness to individual needs and situations;
  • Engage in practices that maintain and enhance the ethic of care for self and others;
  • Carry out its activities in a manner, which demonstrates concern for the health, well-being, protection and enhancement of all athletes.
  • Encourage and respect individual responsibility in developing ethical ideals through moral reflection, moral dialogue and moral practices in sport.

BCAFFL should consistently demonstrate an ethic of care, where we are watchful for and sensitive to the needs of athletes as people and not just as performers of sport. Our conduct should therefore ensure that athletes have the best possible experience when dealing with the “Association”, as measured by their satisfaction and expressed confidence in the integrity of the BCAFFL and its members.

BCAFFL Professional Code of Conduct


BCAFFL's Code of Professional Conduct is more than simply a set of behaviours for people within the organization; it reflects the ideals and values of the organization, as well as its commitment to uphold those values as part of what makes the organization what it is. It is therefore part of the BCAFFL's Code of Conduct, that can be applied to any particular situation, by asking the questions: “what is the right thing to do, and how do we avoid doing the wrong thing?”

As part of our “Association’s” philosophy, the BCAFFL believes its work is first and foremost in the interest of the participant and the athlete. Our ethical rationale for promoting ethical conduct in sport is founded on the belief that sport is for the benefit of everyone, and that the pursuit of sporting excellence is a function of our collective pursuit of the human potential. The BCAFFL is a promoter of sport values and ethics (through football), and as such should lead by example as an “Association” committed to the highest order of professionalism and public scrutiny. The membership whether paid staff or volunteers and regardless of their duties and responsibilities is called upon to conduct themselves with integrity, be fair and honest in our dealings with others, and treat others with respect and dignity. The following is the BCAFFL Code of Professional Conduct:

  • BCAFFL members and employees are responsible for their actions and accountable for the consequences of their actions or inactions.
  • At all times, BCAFFL members and employees will act in a manner that encourages and maintains confidence among athletes, sport organizations and the public, in the integrity of the organization and its people.
  • The BCAFFL will conduct its relations with, and discharge its duties to, other organizations, clients, the public and media with ethics and fairness. All business dealings must be conducted in a fair and honest manner, both within the spirit and the letter of agreements, policies and legal requirements. All persons should be treated with respect, tact and courtesy in all dealings with the “Association”.
  • All communications with clients, whether oral or written, must be conducted in a professional manner, and should be delivered in a timely, accurate and clear manner.
  • BCAFFL members and employees must not be in a conflict of interest or permit any influence that could conflict with the best interest of the “Association” or prejudice the “Association’s” reputation. Disclosure in writing is required for any BCAFFL member or employee associated with, employed by, performing services for or with a financial interest in any other corporation, body or enterprise doing business with or seeking to do business with the BCAFFL.
  • Confidentiality of personal and sensitive information must be respected. BCAFFL will develop, implement, maintain and enforce reasonable policies and procedures to ensure confidentiality and safeguard confidential information.
  • All methods of seeking and obtaining financial support for BCAFFL activities must be carried out in a manner consistent with maintaining membership and public confidence in, and respect for, the “Association”, its authority on matters of ethics in sport and its independence from vested interests.
  • BCAFFL must use its resources (including human and material resources, funds, equipment and information) responsibly and in the best interests of all its members, the public and the “Association”.
  • Any complaint received concerning the BCAFFL must be handled professionally, promptly and courteously, with a written reply if requested, and a written record maintained.

BCAFFL must conduct its affairs in an open manner that welcomes public scrutiny as a necessary and beneficial aspect of an effective ethics in sport organization and credible ethics in sport programs and policies. BCAFFL supports public disclosure of information and will not withhold any information about itself and/or its activities unless there is justifiable reason to do so, such reason(s) being itself open to public scrutiny.


  • Any team that fails to participate in a scheduled BCAFFL game without notice, will incur a monetary penalty of $100. 
  • The BCAFFL must still pay for the fields and officials scheduled for the use of the forfeited game without prior notice. This fee is applied to the team and the team will not be permitted to participate again until the penalty has been settled. 
  • Any team or player found to be in violation of the leagues policy regarding the removal of garbage  will face a $50 penalty. 
  • ​​​​​​​Any team or player that causes damage to league or parks property will be assessed a penalty in the amount of the damage caused. The team or player in question will be held responsible and be suspended until the penalty is resolved. 


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