BCAFFL's Code of Ethics and Codes of Conduct are grounded in the following principles:
The principle of respect challenges members to act in a manner respectful of the dignity of all participants in sport regardless of their connection to the sport. Fundamental to this principle is the basic assumption that each person has value and is worthy of respect.
The principle of responsible action carries the basic ethical expectation that the activities of members will benefit society in general and participants in particular and will do no harm. Fundamental to the implementation of this principle is the notion that each member is responsible and the consequences of their actions or inactions.
Integrity means that members are expected to be honest, sincere, and honourable in their relationships with others. Acting on these values is most possible when members possess a high degree of self-awareness and the ability to reflect critically on how their perspectives influence their interactions with others.
The principle of honouring sport in general and football in particular challenges members to recognize, act on, and promote the value of football for individuals and teams and for society in general.
Conduct Policy for Spectators
Anyone watching a particular athletic activity or event whether sitting or standing is considered a spectator. A spectator may be a parent, a relative, friend, teammate, opposing player, administrator or coach not directly involved in the game. Spectators are an important part of any athletic activity; however, they are not essential. Spectators should never influence the outcome of an event and must never pose a distraction to players, other spectators, timers, score keepers and referees.
Goal Statement:
Any spectator watching a BCAFFL sanctioned event will be expected to respect and adhere to the Spectator Conduct Policy.
In addition to the responsibilities of this BCAFFL Code of Conduct, spectators of athletes and spectators at events will:
With respect to its relations with athletes, The BCAFFL will:
BCAFFL should consistently demonstrate an ethic of care, where we are watchful for and sensitive to the needs of athletes as people and not just as performers of sport. Our conduct should therefore ensure that athletes have the best possible experience when dealing with the “Association”, as measured by their satisfaction and expressed confidence in the integrity of the BCAFFL and its members.
BCAFFL's Code of Professional Conduct is more than simply a set of behaviours for people within the organization; it reflects the ideals and values of the organization, as well as its commitment to uphold those values as part of what makes the organization what it is. It is therefore part of the BCAFFL's Code of Conduct, that can be applied to any particular situation, by asking the questions: “what is the right thing to do, and how do we avoid doing the wrong thing?”
As part of our “Association’s” philosophy, the BCAFFL believes its work is first and foremost in the interest of the participant and the athlete. Our ethical rationale for promoting ethical conduct in sport is founded on the belief that sport is for the benefit of everyone, and that the pursuit of sporting excellence is a function of our collective pursuit of the human potential. The BCAFFL is a promoter of sport values and ethics (through football), and as such should lead by example as an “Association” committed to the highest order of professionalism and public scrutiny. The membership whether paid staff or volunteers and regardless of their duties and responsibilities is called upon to conduct themselves with integrity, be fair and honest in our dealings with others, and treat others with respect and dignity. The following is the BCAFFL Code of Professional Conduct: